670 research outputs found

    Payment periods in 2009 - one year on from the economic modernisation act.

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    Payemnt periods shortened in 2009. The decline is no longer due entirely to SMEs; it now concerns MTEs a well as large companies. It generates cash earnings, chiefly for SMEs.activity, profitability, debt, investment, SMEs, MTEs.

    La détention par les non-résidents des actions des sociétés françaises du CAC 40 à fin 2008.

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    À fin 2008, le taux de détention de la capitalisation des sociétés françaises du CAC 40 par les non-résidents recule pour la deuxième année consécutive pour s’établir à 39,2 %, marquant une baisse de deux points par rapport à la fin de l’année 2007.Marchés boursiers, investissements de portefeuille, taux de détention, non-résidents, CAC 40.

    Les délais de paiement en 2009 un an après la mise en oeuvre de la LME.

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    En 2009, les délais de paiement diminuent. Cette baisse n’est plus le fait des seules PME, mais s’étend désormais à la sphère des ETI et des grandes entreprises. Elle génère des gains de trésorerie dont les PME sont les principales bénéfi ciaires.Délais de paiement, délais clients, crédit fournisseurs, crédit interentreprises, solde commercial, LME.

    Les délais de paiement en 2010 : l’effort entrepris depuis la mise en oeuvre de la loi de modernisation de l’économie marque le pas.

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    Les délais de paiement se sont significativement raccourcis depuis la mise en oeuvre de la LME. En 2010, le mouvement de baisse continue mais son rythme semble ralentir. Le niveau des risques de transmission des difficultés d’une entreprise à l’autre reste élevé.délais de paiement, délais clients, délais fournisseurs, crédit interentreprises, solde commercial, LME.

    En 2010, les PME bénéficient de la reprise mais diffèrent leurs investissements.

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    En 2010, la reprise de l’activité permet aux PME d’améliorer leur rentabilité et de consolider leurs capitaux propres, même si de fortes disparités demeurent. Le renforcement de la trésorerie et la faiblesse de l’investissement demeurent caractéristiques d’un comportement attentiste.PME, activité, rentabilité, endettement, investissement.

    Investigating Problem-Based Learning Tutorship in Medical and Engineering Programs in Malaysia

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    Although Malaysia was the first country in Asia to adopt problem-based learning (PBL), the impact that this has had on its tutors remains largely unexplored. This paper details a qualitative study of the changing perceptions of teaching roles in two groups of problem-based learning tutors in two institutional contexts—one in medicine located in Kuala Lumpur and one in engineering located in Johor Bahru. Using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, the authors attempt to describe the way in which the two groups have experienced their changing professional world, and the mental processes through which they rationalize the transformation of Malaysia’s educational landscape. This paper discusses four themes of analysis: (1) Tutor perceptions are embedded in the context of Malaysian hierarchical social structures, (2) tutors recount a rewarding but challenging move to PBL, (3) tutors display widely different attitudes towards the role of expertise in PBL, and (4) tutors attempt to construct explanations and rationalize their emotional experiences with PBL

    Голод 1946–1947 рр. як продовження геноциду і антиукраїнської політики влади

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    International audienceA diatom study, carried out on a core recovered in the Southern Altiplano (Coipasa salt lake 19 degrees S, 68 degrees W) currently almost completely dry, shows that during the last glacial maximum the Coipasa salar was entirely occupied by a large shallow lake. Available data for the northern Altiplano (Lake Titicaca, 16 degrees S, 69 degrees W) indicate a water level 17 m lower than today. This opposition is explained by decreased tropical precipitations whose effects registered by Lake Titicaca were obliterated in the Coipasa salar by increased winter precipitation. ((C) Academie des sciences/Elsevier, Paris.)

    Millau viaduct geotechnical studies and foundations

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    AbstractThe Millau viaduct over the Tarn River is an exceptional bridge considering the height under the deck and the 2.5km total length. Each of the seven high piers is founded on a thick raft setting on four large piles of 5m in diameter and 10–15m deep. The ground schematically consists of limestone in the north and of marls in the south. As the bridge is very sensitive to foundation settlements, the concessionary company decided to use the observational method for controlling the displacements and if necessary stabilize the foundations. The measurements show that the movements have remained small and admissible, particularly in terms of the rotations. The settlements have not occurred continuously under the load, but by steps